Our Superintendent

Lisa Hidalgo, I.A.
Community Superintendent
July 2023
Greetings District 30 Community!
It is with great honor and pride that I re-join the District 30 family as Interim Acting Superintendent and officially introduce myself to the greater community. I consider it a true privilege to have been placed as your new I.A. Superintendent, and I want you to know that I couldn't be more excited to be here and to have the opportunity to work with all of you.
Our goal in District 30 is to build and strengthen our groundwork around the cornerstone of our Chancellor's Four Pillars; Reimagining the student experience, Sustaining and restoring what works, Prioritizing Wellness and its link to student success; and empowering families to be our true partners, through a collaborative culture, dedicated to always working in the best interest of our students. I believe in my core, that ALL students can succeed at a high level, and I am committed to working with H.E.A.R.T (Honesty, Excellence, Accountability, Respect & Teamwork) to provide principals and leaders with the support and resources necessary for that to occur. As leaders, you are, and continue to be, instrumental in reaching our shared goal of excellence for our students and community.
While serving as your I.A. Superintendent, I plan to be accessible to all stakeholders and maintain an open-door communication policy. I encourage and welcome any questions, comments or concerns you have about our schools and can be reached directly at hidalgo@schools.nyc.gov.
It is a privilege and honor to serve all of you. I look forward to continuing to strengthen the partnerships with you, our families and community.
In Partnership,
Ms. L. Hidalgo
I.A. Community Superintendent
Superintendents communicate New York City Department of Education policy to schools and the public. All superintendents perform duties for each school, including evaluating schools in their districts, appointing principals in district schools, acting as rating officer for principals in the district, approving principal and teacher tenure decisions, and approving school budgets. They also support communities by supervising Family Leadership/Support Coordinators and communicating/collaborating with District Leadership Teams (DLTs), Presidents’ Councils and Parent Associations (PA/PTAs), Community Education Councils (CECs) and the Citywide Council of High Schools (CCHS).